Indonesia Law: Can Someone Be Imprisoned (Fraud) For Being Unable To Pay Debt?
Indonesia Law: Can Someone Be Imprisoned (Fraud) For Being Unable To Pay Debt?
Indonesia Law Can someone be imprisoned for being unable to pay debt

Can someone be imprisoned (Fraud) for being unable to pay debt?


The principle, being unable to pay debt is categorized as civil case (breach of contract) so that it shall not be be criminalized.

It is governed under Article 19 paragraph 2 Law No. 39 Year 1999 regarding Human Rights, says:

“No person found guilty by a tribunal shall be imprisoned or incarcerated for being unable to fulfill the obligations of a loan agreement.”

Besides that, there are several court decision (Jurisprudence) that confirm the same, the following:

  1. Indonesia Supreme Court’s Decision No. 93K/Kr/1969 dated 11 March 1970 states: “debt case is the civil case”
  2. Indonesia Supreme Court’s Decision No. 325K/Pid/1985 dated 8 October 1970 states: “civil case shall not be criminalized”

Based on the explanation above, you can understand that someone who could not pay his/her debt could not be criminalized.

Having any criminal charge hang over your head is a heavy burden. That is why it is important to find a lawyer that can help you. If you need legal advice or representation from a qualified Indonesian Lawyer, contact us Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Lawyers (click here), email:, Phone: 081284260882

About The Author

Boris Tampubolon

Boris Tampubolon, S.H. is an Advocate and Legal Consultant. He is also the Founder of Law Firm Dalimunthe & Tampubolon Lawyers. He made this website with the aim to provide all information related of law, help and defend you in order to solve your legal problem.

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